Pere David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus) only is known now in captivity, in the wild they were extinct in the 19th century. However, it has been reintroduced in Nan Haizi Milu Park, Beijing and Dafeng Reserve, Jiangsu Province in the 1980's. After the publication of his discovery, by father Armand David, working as a French missionary in China, the animals soon were extinct in the wild. The last remaining herd was in a preserve of the emperor and was eaten by Western and Japanese troops during the
Boxer Rebellion. Before that, a small number of Père David's Deer was exported to England, were they were bred further. All living Pere David's deer come from this single herd. It is now classified as 'critically endangered'. The Père David's Deer is very fond of water, unlike other deer species... The Chinese gave it the name "sze pu shiang" which means "none of the four", as it has a tail of a donkey, a neck like a camel, antlers of a deer, and hooves of a cow, but it doesn't look like any of them...
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The Pere david's deer, père david's deer is listed as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Some facts about the
Pere David's deer
Adult weight : 186.5 kg (410.3 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 28 years
Female maturity :821 days
Male maturity : 1186 days
Gestation : 288 days
Weaning : 167 days
Litter size : 1
Litters per year : 1
Interval between litters : 360 days
Weight at birth : 11 kg (24.2 lbs)
Source: AnAge, licensed under CC