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The British Ornithologists Union first classed the Scottish Crossbill as a separate and distinct species in 1980, but some ornithologists believed there was insufficient scientific research for its status. It was considered to be possibly a race of either the Common Crossbill or the Parrot Crossbill, both of which also occur in the Caledonian Forest.
The Scottish Crossbill is classified as Data Deficient (DD), inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction.
* Scottish Crossbill, Loxia scotica (formerly treated as a race of Parrot Crossbill) * Scots pine Pinus sylvestris and Larch Larix species (particularly plantations of L. More
The Scottish Crossbill (Loxia scotica) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. It is endemic to the Caledonian Forests of Scotland, and is regarded as the only bird unique to the British Isles. The Scottish Crossbill was claimed to be confirmed as a unique species in August 2006, on the basis of having a distinctive bird song. Contents - * 1 History and current status * 1. More
Scottish crossbill was unique, or a sub-species of the common crossbill. DNA tests had shown the Scottish crossbill, common crossbill and parrot crossbill - which visits from Europe - to be genetically similar. The results of long-running research has now found, according to the RSPB, that the Scottish variety is a distinct species of its own. More
of what we call a Scottish Crossbill in Deeside at least. Biometrics (and release call) were all typical of currently accepted Scottish characteristics.Now, go look at some pics of 'Scottish Crossbills' on the web and compare ! More reports to come soon inc. "Speyside The Rematch" (MEGA crossbill extravaganza), plus an 'essay' on Parrot Crosbill status, but very busy with fieldwork, reports and real work etc. More
A nice portrait of a 1cy Scottish Crossbill male, one of two I caught along with two Parrot and two Common Crossbills on Deeside on 12 October: This bird was identified as a Euring 3 ( 1 cy) by the presence of 4 juvenile greater coverts and a few juvenile type median coverts - the lesser coverts had been replaced with adult feathers. The bill profile and depth is typical for scotica. More
The Scottish Crossbill bird is a chunky, thick-set finch with a large head and substantial bill. It is characterised by the mandibles crossing at their tips, which gives the group its English name. Scottish Crossbill birds are specialist feeders on conifer cones and the unusual beak shape is an adaptation to assist the extraction of the seeds from the cone. The Scottish Crossbill appears to be a specialist feeder on the cones of pines (Scots pine and Lodgepole pine) and larch. More
Scottish Crossbill, both of which breed within its Eurasian range. The identification problem is less severe in North America, where only Red Crossbill and White-winged Crossbill occur. However, the South Hills Crossbill, occurring in the South Hills and Albion Mountains in Idaho, USA, has recently been described as a new species (Loxia sinesciuris). It is virtually identical to the Red Crossbill differing slightly in body dimensions and calls and shows a very low degree of hybridization with the Red Crossbill. More
The Scottish Crossbill has the distinction of being the UK's only unique bird species. It is a member of the finch family and is distinguished by a large head and a substantial bill which, as the name implies, crosses at the tip. The bill has developed to help the birds extract the seeds from, primarily, conifer cones. Confined to the pine forests of the Highlands, the Scottish Crossbill has been placed in the critical red category of conservation importance for UK birds. More
In theory the Scottish Crossbill has a heavier, more parrot-like bill, recalling crossed secateurs rather than crossed scissors and in some birds this is obvious. However, a large-billed Crossbill or a small-billed Scottish Crossbill can be impossible to identify with confidence. Habitat Breeds and winters in coniferous woodlands with a preference for pines. Migration A sedentary bird but partly nomadic occupying different woods, or even different valleys in different years. More
Male Scottish crossbill feeding the female on the nest. (c) David WhitakerThe Scottish crossbill (Loxia scotica) is thought to have arisen from the hybridisation of the common crossbill (L. curvirostra) and the parrot crossbill (L. pytyopsittacus), and evolved to occupy a specific niche provided by the mix of plantation conifers present in Scotland. It is considered to be Britain’s only endemic bird and is thus subject to a Species Action Plan. More
Male Scottish crossbill feeding female at nest © David Whitaker The Scottish crossbill (Loxia scotica) is the UK’s only endemic bird species and is on the World Conservation Union (IUCN) red list of threatened species. The bird is dependent on conifer woodlands for survival and is thought to rely on a range of conifer species for food, switching between species in response to seed availability throughout the seasons. More
Scottish Crossbills are to be found in the Highlands of Scotland, in particular Deeside, Strathspey, Moray, Ross-shire and the Great Glen, but due to the difficulty of identification the exact areas remain difficult to establish. The wild population is recorded at between 1500 and 2000 individuals, but this is noted as More
Feathers Flying Over Scottish Crossbill: is It a Unique Species? Ornithologists' Dispute Rages on the Net = Posted on: Friday, 4 November 2005, 09:00 CST By VICKY COLLINS ENVIRONMENT CORRESPONDENT ITis a pastime usually associated with quiet hours spent observing nature, but now a bitter row over Scotland's only unique species is dividing the world of bird-watching. More
The RSPBClose-up of Scottish crossbill headView of mountains through trees, RSPB Loch Garten nature reservePair of Scottish crossbills at nest * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * More
Pair of Scottish crossbills at nest The Scottish crossbill is only found in the UK What are we trying to achieve? The Government agreed a Biodiversity Action Plan for this species in 1995. More
Studies of the Scottish Crossbill's size and song were pivotal in establishing a consensus that it is indeed a distinct species. It lives in the Scottish Highlands and frequents Scots Pine forests - not surprisingly, it has a fondness for pine seeds. It's a large finch, about the size of a Red Crossbill, with a large head and heavy crossed bill. Males are red with dark wings and tail. The Scottish Crossbill has a distinct call - a Scottish accent. More
The endemic Scottish crossbill is a threatened species, but restoration measures for the Caledonian Forest should ensure that it flourishes in greater numbers again in future. Worldwide distribution Crossbill pair and chicks Crossbill pair with chicks in the nest Photo: David Whitaker The Scottish crossbill is endemic to Scotland, and is the only bird which is restricted exclusively to the UK. More
type - the Scottish crossbill - found here and nowhere in the world. What to look for Many good views of crossbills begin with hearing a small flock of them flying nearby as they make distinctive ‘chup’ calls. Look high in trees if the flock lands and watch for parrot-like moves in the branches (a crossbill will hang upside down, if needs be, to prise-off a cone). More
to tell the Scottish crossbill apart from the two other members of the crossbill family that share its range, namely the crossbill and the parrot crossbill. For more information about the debate about whether the Scottish crossbill is a separate species, click here. Back to Inland Birds SEARCH ATTRACTIONS - Keyword (species or town etc) A-Z List DID YOU KNOW? - 'Tammie Norrie' is the Shetlanders' name for the Atlantic puffin. More
* The Scottish crossbill, Loxia scotica, was first described as a sub species of the common crossbill in 1904 by German taxonomist Ernest Hartert, who noted that the bills of crossbills in highland Scotland were larger than that of common crossbills. More