Pictorella Munia

Its natural habitats are dry savanna and subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland. More common than previously believed, it is downlisted again from Near Threatened status - which was assigned in 1994 - to a species of Least Concern in the 2007 IUCN Red List.

The Pictorella Munia is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Pictorella Munia (Heteromunia pectoralis) is a species of bird in the family Estrildidae. It belongs to the monotypic genus Heteromunia. It is endemic to Australia. Its natural habitats are dry savanna and subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland. More common than previously believed, it is downlisted again from Near Threatened status - which was assigned in 1994 - to a species of Least Concern in the 2007 IUCN Red List. More

Pictorella Munia Heteromunia pectoralis = Described by: Gould (1841) Alternate common name(s): White-breasted Munia, Pectoral Munia, Pictorella Finch, Pictorella Mannikin Old scientific name(s): Lonchura pectoralis Photographs No photographs are available for this species Range N. Australia; Two populations; Interior ne. Western Australia (Golden Gate Drive at Lake Argyle, e. Gibb River Road and Kununurra)) and nw. Northern Territory. Ex. ne. More

The Pictorella Munia (Heteromunia pectoralis) is a species of bird in the family Estrildidae. They live in northern Australia, from the Fitzroy River in Western Australia, across the "Top End" of the Northern Territory, over to the Cape York Peninsula. References - 1. ↑ Pictorella Munia (Heteromunia pectoralis) - BirdLife species factsheet. www.birdlife.org. Retrieved on 6 June 2009. * BirdLife International (2004). Heteromunia pectoralis. More

The Plight of the Pictorella MuniaLonchura pectoralis Pictorellas are the most arid-adapted member of the Lonchura genus (Munias and Mannikins). Some taxonomists in the past have excluded them from the Lonchura genus due no doubt to certain unlonchura-like physical and behavioural characteristics. I feel that their distinct differences to the other munias are more a result of adaptation to semi-arid habitat rather than a genetic disparity. More

Pictorella Munia Heteromunia pectoralis 2009 IUCN Red List Category (as evaluated by BirdLife International - the official Red List Authority for birds for IUCN): Least Concern Justification This species has a very large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence 30% decline over ten years or three generations). More

The Pictorella Munia is present throughout Australia particularly in its north-western region. Birds with normal color (males and females) are quite similar and are characterized by the face and throat black, and white breast and a black strikethrough, more pronounced in the male. The mantle and back are a dark grayish-brown, the rest of lower parts are colored with pink sand-intensive. It feeds on seeds of canary seed, millet, white, panic, and niger seed lawns. More

Order : Passeriformes
Family : Estrildidae
Genus : Heteromunia
Species : pectoralis
Authority : (Gould, 1841)