Blyth's tragopan pheasant

Blyth’s Tragopan pheasant is the largest of all the tragopans. Like most pheasants the male is brightly colored. It is recognized by its rusty red head, yellow facial skin, and that it is spotted with small white dots on its back called ocelli. A black band extends from the base of the bill to the crown couple with another black band extends behind the eyes. Like the rest of the tragopans, males have two pale blue horns that become erect during matting . Its lappet, a decorated flap, hangs from the throat and is brightly colored. This lappet can be expanded and exposed during mating season as well . Females are not as brightly colored as the male tragopan, for they don’t need the extravagant appearance to attract a male counterpart. Overall they are dark brown with a mixture of black, buff and white mottling . Their simple and dull look is a protection mechanism from other animals. It also allows the females to protect their young that are in the early stages of life.

The Blyth's tragopan pheasant is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

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Order : Galliformes
Family : Phasianidae
Genus : Tragopan
Species : blythii
Authority : (Jerdon, 1870)