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It is a large black vulture with a ruff of white feathers surrounding the base of the neck and, especially in the male, large white patches on the wings. The head and neck are nearly featherless, and are a dull red color, which may flush and therefore change color in response to the bird's emotional state. In the male, there is a wattle on the neck and a large, dark red comb or caruncle on the crown of the head. Unlike most birds of prey, the male is larger than the female.
The Andean Condor is classified as Near Threatened (NT), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.
Andean condor relies on captive breeding programs. Photograph by Anne Keiser Map Map: Andean condor range Andean Condor Range Fast Facts Type: Bird Diet: Carnivore Size: Body, 4 ft (1.2 m); wingspan, up to 10.5 ft (3. More
Endangered Andean Condor Hatches At Denver Zoo A copy was sent to your e-mail address Send Another E-mail Print Share + Digg Facebook Stumble It! Delicious del.icio. More
Rare Andean Condor Hatches At Denver Zoo Required fields are marked with an asterisk(*) - * Recipient E-mail:* * * Your Name:* * Your E-mail:* * Add a Message: * Send me a copy of this e-mail. More
The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is a species of South American bird in the New World vulture family Cathartidae and is the only member of the genus Vultur. Found in the Andes mountains and adjacent Pacific coasts of western South America, it is the largest flying land bird in the Western Hemisphere. It is a large black vulture with a ruff of white feathers surrounding the base of the neck and, especially in the male, large white patches on the wings. More
* The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) which inhabits the Andean mountains. * The California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) currently restricted to western coastal mountains of the United States and Mexico. More
At Andean condor roosts in South America, groups consisting of several immature birds seem to gain the same information advantage as in the black vulture system. In areas where large roosts are not convenient, however, juvenile bands move between territory pairs led by the older more experienced individuals of the group. More
Adult female Andean condor in flight Adult female Andean condor in flightPrint factsheet Facts - Spanish: Cóndor Andino Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Falconiformes Family Cathartidae Genus Vultur (1) Size More
Young Andean condor in soaring flight Andean condors are one of the largest flying birds in the world. Their wingspan can reach 3.2m and they can weigh as much as 15kg. Young condors do not learn to fly until they are six months old. Watch video clips from past programmes (1 clip) - In order to see this content you need to have an up-to-date version of Flash installed and Javascript turned on. More
Andean condors roost on the face of a cliff, and use the thermal updraft of warm morning air to lift off. They spend most of the day soaring on the updrafts created by the mountains and valleys. They cover a large area while foraging. Andean condors can be found over the coasts of Peru and Chile, and the Patagonian steppe of Argentina. They can spot a carcass from several miles off. Usually they follow smaller scavenger birds to find a carcass. More
DENVER ZOO ANDEAN CONDOR TO GO BACK TO THE WILD - Condor Receives Final Vet Exam Before First of Two Moves A young female Andean condor, hatched on August 3, 2008 at the Denver zoo will be transferred to the White Oak Conservation Center in Yulee, Florida. The young bird will join its older brother hatched on May 13, 2007, and other juvenile Andean condors produced by other condor pairs from other zoos. More
With a wingspan of ten feet, the Andean condor is one of the world’s largest flying birds. Andean CondorVultures, with their large wingspans, are masters of the air currents and heat thermals in the air. They can soar for hours (Andean condors have been observed traveling up to 150 miles a day in search of food), looking for carrion on the ground. STATUS: Condors are considered vulnerable in most of their native habitat; however in some areas, such as Argentina, they are endangered. More
Andean Condor is the largest raptor of the world. Adult male has black plumage overall, except the wings where secondaries and upperwing coverts are greyish white. We can see a conspicuous white ruff around the neck base. The black head shows in male a large comb in the middle of the face, and large neck wattles. The bare skin of head and neck may vary from reddish-pink in lower neck, to mottled pinkish or yellow on the head. More
The Andean condor is one of nature’s recyclers: they eat leftovers! After a condor eats, it will rub its head and neck back and forth across the ground to get all the “crumbs” off. • High flyers, Andean condors soar to heights of 18,000 feet (5,500 meters), or almost 3.4 miles (5.5 kilometers)! • An Andean condor can eat more than 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) of flesh at one time and may not be able to fly after such a big meal. More
Andean Condor was always in a better position than its close cousin the California Condor. This is because there are far fewer people living in its geographical range and the farmers tend only to round up cattle once a year. Without care, cattle easily die all year round, providing a constant food source. More
Andean condors are scavengers that are well-equipped for the job, with hooked beaks to aid in tearing flesh from large carcasses, a high resistance to bacterial infections, and bald heads that promote hygiene. More