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The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion.
The Turkey Vulture is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura, is a bird found throughout most of the Americas. It also known in some North American regions as the Turkey Buzzard (or just "buzzard"), and in some areas of the Caribbean as the John Crow or Carrion Crow. One of three species in the genus Cathartes, in the family Cathartidae, the Turkey Vulture is the most widespread of the New World vultures, ranging from southern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America. More
The Turkey Vulture has a large range, estimated globally at 28,000,000 square kilometers. Native to the Americas and nearby island nations, this bird prefers subtropical or tropical shrubland, grassland, or forest ecosystems as well as deserts, pastureland, and degraded former forests. The global population of this bird is estimated at 4,500,000 individuals and does not show signs of decline that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. For this reason, the current evaluation status of the Turkey Vulture is Least Concern. More
population of Turkey Vultures (both to aid in conflict mitigation and for general knowledge), and (3) improve capacity to mitigate future human-vulture conflicts by increasing understanding of the factors that influence human attitudes and actions toward vultures. PUBLICATIONSClick HERE to view new, downloadable PDF pamphlets and educational materials published by the Turkey Vulture SocietyAll these materials are free to be reproduced and distributed for any not-for-profit endeavor. More
The Turkey Vulture Society is a non-profit scientific corporation. Its purpose is to promote scientific studies of the life habits and needs of the Turkey Vulture, to protect the vulture and its habitat, and to inform the public of the valuable and essential services this bird provides to mankind and to the environment. More
Although it has an ugly, bare-skinned face, the Turkey Vulture is beautiful on the wing. Seldom does this graceful and talented bird flap its wings as it soars over large areas searching for carrion. More
A large bird, the turkey vulture has a wingspan of 170–183 cm (67–72 in), a length of 64–81 cm (25–32 in), and weight of 0.85–2.26 kg (1.9–5 lb), It has dark brown to black plumage; a featherless, purplish-red head and neck; and a short, hooked, ivory-colored beak. Its life expectancy in the wild ranges upward of 16 years, with a captive life span of over 20 years being possible. The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion. More
The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is the most common vulture in the Americas. Despite the similar name and appearance, this species is unrelated to the Old World vultures in the family Accipitridae, which also includes eagles, hawks, kites and harriers. The American species is a New World vulture in the family Cathartidae. More
Turkey vultures are one of the amazing birds that are found in America and are known for some really interesting habits and characteristics. Find out some important turkey vulture facts with this article.Turkey Vulture Facts Turkey vulture or Cathartes aura, is one of the most common vultures found in America. Vultures are generally categorized as new world and old world vultures. More
The Turkey Vulture is one of the most common vultures found in America. Read on for some interesting facts about the Turkey Vulture. Turkey Vulture The Turkey Vulture is distinguished for its hissing sounds and is also known as the Turkey Buzzard in North America. This scavenger is also known as one of the largest birds in North America. More
The Turkey Vulture is one of North America's largest birds of prey. It reaches a length of 32 inches with a wing span of 6 feet. Its overall color is brown-black with a featherless, red head, white bill and yellow feet among mature adults. Immature birds have a darker face. Although usually silent, the bird will occasionally emit a soft hiss or groan. More
the meat supply is scarce, a turkey vulture will eat a seasonal side dish of pumpkins, grass, leaves, and a variety of seeds. Did you know that some scientists estimate that a vulture can eat 111 pounds of carrion yearly? It is amazing that the turkey vulture can eat a rotten diseased carcass and not get sick or die. The bird's droppings are also disease free. These birds play an important role in nature by cleaning disease out of the environment. More
The Turkey Vulture is one of our largest birds. It grows as big as an eagle; up to 32 inches long, with a six-foot wingspan. Turkey Vultures are black with a bare reddish head. They have a yellow bill and yellow feet. The flight feathers of this bird are silvery-colored, and you can see them from below when they are soaring. Turkey Vultures are found in forests, fields, roadsides, farmland, and dumps. More
Turkey Vultures are the only animal in the world known to have this ability. If we did not have Turkey Vultures, we would be overrun with disease and polluted waters. This very scenario occurred in India, South Africa and Spain when vulture populations plummeted due to poisoning, shootings and an avian virus. Realizing they needed the vultures, the governments of these countries established captive breeding programs to reestablish the populations and bring the environment back into balance. More
Description: The Turkey Vulture is a large bird (about 28 inches in length), mostly dark gray, black, or brown, with a featherless reddish head (gray in immatures), and small, white bill. They are most often seen soaring above farmlands, open woodlands, or highways, in the characteristic "V" shape. The Turkey Vulture has a wingspan of up to six feet in length and shows silvery, gray outer wing feathers in contrast to its dark body, shoulders, and tail. More
The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger, feeding off the remains of dead domestic and wild animals. Dependent on its sense of smell to locate the carcasses, a fresh kill will not always attract its attention. If the carcass has been left in the open for a day or more, the Turkey Vulture will be there. More
Food: The Turkey Vulture is quite dependent upon its sense of smell to help locate food and the area of their brain controlling sense of smell is three times larger than of the Black Vulture. Research has shown they can locate a carcass within only twenty-four hours of death. These birds often go for days without feeding and when they do eat are very flexible about their meals, attacking even the tiniest carcass, rotten fruit, vegetables and even sea lion excrement. More
turkey vulture so it can fly away! * Turkey vultures are one of the few birds with a well-developed olfactory sense which they use to locate carrion. More