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This dabbling duck is 42–50 cm long with a 71–80 cm wingspan, and a weight of 1.5 pounds.
The Wigeon is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The wigeons are dabbling ducks in the genus Anas. There are three species: the Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope), the American Wigeon (A. americana) and the Chilöe Wigeon (A. sibilatrix). Widgeon is an alternative, though archaic, spelling; the American Wigeon has in the past been known as Baldpate. All three are similarly shaped, with a steep forehead and bulbous rear to the head. Males have a distinctive breeding plumage, in their eclipse plumage they resemble females, which are similar in appearance year-round. More
The American Wigeon (also American Widgeon or Baldpate), Anas americana is a species of wigeon in the dabbling duck genus Anas. If this is split up, all wigeons will go into their old genus Mareca again. It is a common and widespread duck which breeds in all but the extreme north of Canada and Alaska and also in the Interior West through Idaho, Colorado, the Dakotas, and Minnesota, as well as eastern Washington and Oregon. More
Male American wigeons have a white patch from the forehead to the middle of the crown and an iridescent green band from the eye to the back of the head. They have a pinkish-brown breast and sides that are separated from the black undertail coverts by white flank feathers. In flight, the white shoulder patch is diagnostic. The legs and feet are blue-gray to dark gray. Male whistles a "whee whee whew. More
The male European wigeon (Anas penelope) has a reddish head, cream forehead, and gray back. The male American wigeon, or baldpate (A. americana), has a white crown, green eye stripe, and brown back. Baldpates often graze on young grasses. The Cape wigeon (A. capensis) of Africa is a nocturnal feeder. For more information on wigeon, visit Britannica.com. More
A common and increasingly abundant duck, the American Wigeon breeds in northwestern North America and is found throughout the rest of the continent in migration and in winter. Its small bill and the male's white forehead, as well as certain aspects of nesting and feeding behavior, distinguish this species from other dabbling ducks. More
The American Wigeon can be found practically all over the world, including numerous countries in North America and South America. There have also been sightings of this bird in other countries such as France, Lithuania, Portugal and many others in the Middle East and Europe. With a range of more than 7 million square kilometers, the American Wigeon currently has a population of nearly 3 million individual birds. More
The drake Wigeon is unmistakable with his rufous head and orange crown although from a distance it may be the white horizontal line on the body and the black and white rear end that you notice first. The female is relatively distinctive for a dabbling duck since she is darker, plainer and more rufous than other females with a characteristic head shape: steep at the front, rounded at the back and with a small grey bill. More
It isn’t surprising wigeon are nicknamed ‘baldpate’ as the males have a white stripe from the forehead to the middle of the top of their head, resembling a receding hairline. They have one of the most erratic flight patterns out of all the dabbling ducks, except for teal. Identification A mid-sized dabbling duck, adult males weigh in at an average of 720 – 1330g while adult females average 665 – 1275g. More
Wigeons, Burnham Norton (Norfolk, UK), 13th March 2010 Wigeon, Titchwell, 15-Mar-04 Wigeon, Titchwell, 15-Mar-04 male Wigeon, Titchwell (Norfolk, UK), 15th March 2004 Wigeon, Lochmaben, 29-Dec-03 Wigeon, Loch Ryan, 28-Dec-05 male Wigeon, Lochmaben (Dumfries & Galloway, UK), 29th December 2003 male Wigeon, Loch Ryan (Dumfries & Galloway, UK), 28th December 2005 Wigeon, Cley, 07-Nov-03 Wigeon, Cley, 07-Nov-03 female and male Wigeons, Cley (Norfolk, UK), More
The Eurasian Wigeon is currently classified as Least Concern at this time. This rating is downgraded from a prior rating of Lower Risk that was given in 2000. The Eurasian Wigeon has a range reaching up to 10 million square kilometers. The population of the Eurasian Wigeon is estimated to be about 3 million individual birds. This bird species is native to Europe and Asia. More
The American Wigeon drake has a distinctive white forehead with a deep green stripe running from the eye to the back. The body, chest, back and sides are light brown while the belly is white and the rump is black. Bold white shoulder patches on the drake are visible in flight. The hen is generally brown and has duller shoulder patches than the drake. Both sexes have stubby bills and slightly pointed tails. More
All three wigeon species hybridise in captivity, and American and Eurasian Wigeons hybridise in the wild. An American Wigeon × Mallard hybrid has also been recorded References - Male (front) and female (rear) American Wigeons Male (rear) and female (front) Chilöe Wigeons 1. ^ Johnson and Sorenson, 1999 2. ^ Jiguet, 1999 3. ^ Carey, 1993 4. More
Rosche (1979) found American wigeon in the lower North Platte River Valley as a migrant during 8 October to 15 June. Breeding Range: A rare summer resident in the Sandhills, Platte River Valley, and the Rainwater Basin area of the Eastern Plain. Accidental elsewhere within the study area. Breeding Population: The population in 1979-1980 was estimated at 530 breeding pairs. Three breeding pairs were present on Waterfowl Production Areas in the Rainwater Basin in 1983 (USFWS files). More
FemaleThe Eurasian or European Wigeon (Anas penelope) is a common and widespread duck. Description This dabbling duck is 42-50 cm long with a 71-80 cm wingspan. The breeding male has grey flanks and back, with a black rear end and a brilliant white speculum (= distinctive wing patch) , obvious in flight or at rest. It has a pink breast, white belly, and a chestnut head with a yellowish crown stripe. More
The Eurasian Wigeon is a medium-sized duck. The male has a dark reddish brown head with buff colored crown. The sides are gray with large white patch on the wings. The belly is white. The bill is blue with black nail The female is mottled gray and brown with rust colored flanks, paler head and neck and dusky eye patch. Juveniles are similar to adult females. More
The RSPBBreeding female wigeon in rushes, NorthumberlandView towards snowy hills at the RSPB Insh Marshes nature reserveFlock of wigeon grazing * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J More
Tags: American Wigeon, Eurasian Wigeon I combed the wigeon flocks at Portland’s Westmoreland Park and found examples of both species. eurasian-wigeon-male The bird in front is a male Eurasian Wigeon; the two in back are male American Wigeons. On the Eurasian, note the rusty head with the blond crown and the clear demarcation between the rose breast and gray sides. More
Wigeon are dabbling ducks that feed on vegetation such as eelgrass and wild celery. They will also graze on lawns in parks and gardens. A little smaller than mallards, wigeon have medium brown bodies and gray-brown heads. The male possesses a wide green strip on the side of its head going from the eyes down the back of the neck. A light-colored patch ranges from the base of the bill to over the top of the forehead. More
Wigeon were uncommon south of Canada. Within prairie and parkland habitats, densities steadily declined away from the area of highest density, much like the mallard and gadwall. Wigeon winter throughout the southern United States, along the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, and in the Caribbean. Numbers of spring arrivals using the southern corridors probably slightly outnumber those entering from the southwest (Bellrose 1980). More
The wigeon photographed below was found on December 19th at Paradise Memorial Cemetery in Scottsdale by K. Radamaker, and tentatively identified as a female Eurasian Wigeon. The next day P. Deviche obtained these photographs. Thus several Arizona Field Ornithologists exchanged emails discussing the various field marks and pitfalls of identifying female widgeon. More
prairies, the American Wigeon has steadily recovered to become one of the most abundant dabbling ducks in North America, inhabiting every western province, territory and state. Also known as “baldpate,” the breeding male has a distinctive white crown, along with a vibrant green eye patch that extends down its neck, and is highly recognizable in flight by his bold white shoulder patch. Both sexes have a short blue-grey bill with a black tip, white underbellies (conspicuous in flight), and a dark iridescent green speculum. More
American Wigeon is a freshwater dabbler having grayish to brownish plumage, a rather pointed tail, and a rounded head. Like all dabblers, wigeon can spring into flight from the water's surface, requiring no running take-off. In the air, wigeon are agile birds, flying in compact groups or uneven lines, often in flocks with other ducks. More
DESCRIPTION: American Wigeon (Anas americana) is a medium sized duck, averaging 19-20 inches in length and 1.75 lbs. in weight. They have relatively short, bluish gray bills with black tip, proportionately narrow wings and moderately long, wedge-shaped tails. The drakes have a distinct white crown which gives the duck its common name of baldpate. There is a green band that extends from the eye to the back of the head and a very distinctive white shoulder patch on the leading edge of the wing. More
numbers of wigeon assembled on a single marsh in the Yare Valley near Claxton. Using the car as an observatory, we were able to watch these attractive wildfowl grazing on partly-frozen grass. After several attempts I was convinced this moving carpet of birds was of the order of 9000 individuals. Suddenly and for no apparent reason all these wigeon took wing accompanied by a wild chorus and a mighty roar of wings. Within moments the pale winter sky was filled with fowl. More