Tropical Frogs

The Tropical Frogs is classified as Data Deficient (DD), inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction.

Tropical frogs belong to the animal class of amphibians and make up about 88% of all amphibian species. (1) They form a very important part of our ecological system. More

tropical frogs, which are further discussed in the Amphibian Declines article. And that is why it sounds logical to try to protect them in the context of the rest of amphibian species. More

Tropical frogs have two short front legs and two very long back legs. For that reason they are champion jumpers! Frog These amazing amphibians breathe through their skin, so they need to keep their skin moist. More

The widespread and staggering loss of tropical frogs was really brought home to me by a book I just finished, In Search of the Golden Frog. It is the diary of author Marty Crump's 30+ years of field work in the tropics. More

Pet tropical frogs need an enclosure that closely resembles their natural habitat. Keeping tropical or rainforest amphibians healthy and thriving is more difficult to do than other frogs because an improper habitat can cause the frogs' demise. More

most tropical frogs have adapted to life in the trees. Long hind legs and webbed toes make jumping or climbing across leaves and branches to find food and escape from predators easy. More

near water, tropical frogs are most abundant in the trees, and relatively few are found near bodies of water on the forest floor. More

to downright cute, the tropical frogs of Costa Rica are the poster children for the conservation efforts of the Organization for Tropical Studies. They're also the pinup calendar boys (and girls). More

Tropical Frogs: Victims of Global Warming? For many years, the dramatic decline of amphibians in apparently pristine habitats has puzzled-and worried-scientists. More

OTS is dedicating its 2009 Calendar to tropical frogs, one of the groups most affected by global change. Only in La Selva Biological Station, in Costa Rica, frog populations have declined 75 per cent in the last 30 years. More

Order : Anura
Family : Cycloramphidae
Genus : Cycloramphus
Species : eleutherodactylus
Authority : (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)