Tradouw's Mountain Toad

The Tradouw's Mountain Toad is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

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the form of a Tradouw's Mountain Toad, another frog lifer and one that can be really difficult to find. More

Tradouw's Mountain Toad in English. More

The Tradouw's Mountain Toad (Capensibufo tradouwi) is a species of toad in the Bufonidae family. It is endemic to South Africa. Explore the following pages on Powerset: * Tradouw's Mountain Toad quillback_wikipedia_9. More

Order : Anura
Family : Bufonidae
Genus : Capensibufo
Species : tradouwi
Authority : Hewitt, 1926